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  V I D E O / D V D   P R O D U C T I O N   C L I E N T   S U C C E S S  


Tom Solari (center) directing production in The Republic of Guyana









  S A L E S   &   B U S I N E S S  

"Solari Communications is the best in the business when it comes to ...the skills needed to create a sales DVD based on reality and moving people emotionally up to interest."

- Barbara Ayash, International Woman of the Year 1993-1994
President, Concerned Businessmen's Association of America



"We at Calty Design want to thank you for producing a very successful presentation for us. The board of directors of Toyota Motor Corp. saw it at our annual presentation in Japan. It was a solid hit, just what we wanted."

- James Sherburne, Design Manager CALTY DESIGN RESEARCH, Inc.  




"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your entire staff for a fantastic job done on the various Bentley Mills videos. …You responded to our deadline and budget …in each case exceeding our expectations. Thank you for your dedication to quality, service and excellence in your field."

- Phil Wexler, President BENTLEY MILLS, Inc.


e presented… the DC-9 Super 80 and McDonnell Douglas shows you prepared, and received high praise for an excellent program."

- Ralph Underdahl, Mgr. Travel Industry Affairs, McDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION




"We received many unsolicited compliments including ‘the most professional presentation I've ever seen.’ There is no question but that we have an outstanding marketing tool unparalleled in our industry."

- Rodney A. Jones VP, Director of Marketing AMERITONE Paint Corporation





"I want to thank you again for the outstanding video you produced for our spring sales meeting. You people are definitely "miracle workers."  It was a most impressive display of professionalism."



P E R F O R M I N G   A R T I S T S

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"Thank you Tom and Jan for your professionalism and your expertise and time. I appreciate the extra mile you all went, today and in the days leading up to the shoot… thank you both for sharing your expertise ... thanks, thanks and thanks."

- Jim Meskimen, Actor, Fine Artist


t was great getting Shannon's video demo done. Tom and Jan Solari did a great! great! job. They took lots of care to give me the product I needed. Very, very well done."

- Pamela Roberts, Actress

"This is a masterful video which caught the essence of my playing--the impetuosity and un-restrained, torrential playing …impressively put together, very eloquent. Thank you, Tom!"

- Maestro Mario Feninger, Concert Pianist



"Very creative and definitely gets interest!! Thank you again for making such a great video product for us."

- David Pomeranz, Multi-Platinum Recording Artist, Songwriter, Performer

"Tom Solari shot and edited a video for me… a total successreally fun. He's such an expert in the field, I could relax and know it was turning out great. He… expertly did his magic and all I had to do was play and sing."

- Harriet Schock, Platinum Songwriter, Recording Artist, Author


  "Tom knew just what to do and how to do it, with a patient ear and the skill as a story teller to fulfill our objectives in an exciting and dynamic way, yet as concisely as possible. Tom's attention to detail and perfection was both noticed and appreciated, as was his willingness to take my creative input into consideration as the project developed. The end result is something we're all very pleased with."

- Jeff McNeal, "Mrs. Jones' Revenge" - Over 40 Classic Rock Tribute Bands Rolled Into One

S E M I N A R S,   T R A I N I N G   &   E D U C A T I O N

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"The 'Imaging from Space' display is outstanding.  Its appeal to both the technical and lay public is obvious to anyone watching their responses even briefly.  I want to express my gratitude and admiration. The show is excellently done and is even better than we had hoped. You did a masterful job."  

- Robert J. Mackin, Jr., Earth & Space Sciences Div JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab)




"There are sections of this seminar that are complete brilliance… I could hardly tear myself away.  To complete the editing to a final product… is going to be a really hard job trying to figure out what to cut."

- Dr. Freddie Ulan, D.C.

W E D D I N G S   &   S P E C I A L   O C C A S I O N S

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  "Solari Communications recently did the Videography for my son's wedding… the results were stupendous... wonderfully humorous and sincerely touching personal interviews from our family members and guests… such a touch of magic in capturing this incredible day for posterity.  The Solaris worked very hard and got the most amazing footage… I am so thrilled."

- Sandra Gainsforth, Mother of the Groom

  "You made the entire process a pleasure. Each person interviewed came across so natural… It is amazing how you were able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and create such an entertaining and moving video. More than one of us had a tear when viewing the final masterpiece. I could not be more pleased and thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Chickie Leventhal, celebrating 20th Anniversary of CHICKIE’S BAIL BONDS

    "The video you created for my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary was more special than I could have imagined… You masterfully arranged the pictures to go with the music I chose which made it so enjoyable… My parents were so surprised when we played it at the party…they talk about it almost every day! Thank you for helping me give them a gift they will always remember."

- Cindy Anderson, MASTERSERV INC

D O C U M E N T A R Y  F I L M S


"(AMERICA!)...reaffirms that The American Dream
belongs to each of us--to pursue and also to defend."
Charles Champlin, Arts Editor
The Los Angeles Times
Conceived, produced & directed by Tom Solari
Executive Producer, Mason Phelps


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Copyright © 2006-2013 by Tom Solari